Our Farm

We purchased our 5 acre farm in early 2017 as a foreclosure. Once an immaculate, award-winning kennel, the property had fallen into a state of extreme disrepair and the home didn’t have working heat or septic.

With help from friends and family, we cleaned up tons of garbage, cleared blackberries, tamed laurel hedges, and restored the orchard. In addition to adding fruit and nut trees, we have added fields of organic blueberries, raspberries and strawberries and have built over 100 raised beds in which we grow organic produce and flowers.

In 2018 we set up our first farm stand at the south end of our property, which falls beside a trail in Centennial Park. A second stand, at the end of our driveway, was built the following year.

Cut Flowers and Dahlia Tubers

We sell wholesale cut flowers to local florists, wholesale bouquets to local retailers and have hand made bouquets available on our farm stands from May to October. We grow over 100 varieties of dahlias and carefully inspect and hand cut over 1000 clumps every fall. The first 10% of our dahlia tubers are listed for sale in December with the remainder listed after they eye up in February.

Fruits and Berries

We grow strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries as well as apples, pears and plums. Berries are available in-season and our tree fruits are available both fresh and dried.

Vegetables and Herbs

In early spring we harvest cold-hardy crops such as snow peas, snap peas, kale, spinach, radishes and lettuce. This is followed by heat-loving vegetable such as tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers and then fall squash such as pumpkins and spaghetti squash. Garlic is available from July to Jan and dried herbs starting mid summer.

Free Range Laying Hens

Our laying hens roam freely throughout their barn and the orchard. Eggs are hand washed twice a week and delivered to the stands by 5 pm on Tuesdays and Fridays


Over time, we realized that our beautiful alpacas simply did not have enough pasture. The land was being over grazed and compacted. In the summer of 2024 we made the difficult decision to re-home them…if we could find them a better home. We are happy to say that they are now enjoying over 20 acreas of pasture at Sointula Lodge!